How can i get ahold of todays_home_fashions bonzuser_llncb

I am so very disappointed in the seller. Although this product was available on different websites, I choose to support an individual who was selling them during this pandemic when many of us are taking a hit financially. Now it looks like this seller is a fraud, capitalizing off Bonanza website, meanwhile Bonanza seemingly can’t even contact the seller themselves. This is why so many choose to support Amazon and other big companies, because individual sellers are sometimes dishonest. After my credit card is refunded, I will never use Bonanza again! Thank Todays_Home_Fashions_ for that. And I will also be alerting all of my friends on instagram Do Not Use Bonanza or any of its Sellers!

asked about 3 years ago

Reputation: 10


Dons_Guitars April 29, 2021

Just a heads up. Bonanza cannot control what their sellers do. There may be a few shady ones, but that is on every platform. I myself treat my customers very well. Don’t give up on us just because of one bad apple.

C_hatznbagz May 02, 2021

Hi FYI Amazon & others have individual sellers as well. In my opinion it is so unfair for you to spread bad information to others claiming that Bonanza site is unsafe! I am sure we all understand that you are frustrated w/ this transaction that was unfair however to take it out on all is unfair

easy2buy May 02, 2021


easy2buy May 02, 2021

I am here since one month and i did not sell anythng out of my 200+ itmes. Do we sell here ? can somebody tell me if this is the same with all of you? ?

3 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Welcome to Bonanza Community Help Page!

Bonanza’s Community Help page is a place you can get general questions about items answered from the community.

You can ask any general question that would benefit the community such as “What’s the most effective way to promote my items on Facebook” or “How can I tell if a Coach bag is authentic?”.
For questions about specific items, you’ll need to contact the seller.
We try to keep support-related questions off of this page but we will be glad to assist you with this.
Please email our award-winning support team and we will be glad to assist you further. [email protected]
Thank you!

Kind Regards
Wanda T.
Happiness Producer
Bonanza Support Team

answered about 3 years ago

So you are going to throw a negative vibe out there about Bonanza sellers because of your one experience? That’s so unfair!

Your attitude really annoys me. I have been doing online sales for many years with NO problems… no complaints… no negativity. I bend over backwards to do all I can to accommodate my buyers. I work very hard at it.

I am sorry you had a bad experience here, but you are wrong to label all of us sellers as dishonest or whatever your perception is! That’s so babyish, so immature. I know in your heart you don’t really believe that… do you????

Most sellers are very honest, to a fault actually, and we take a lot of abuse and lose money because we are eager to please and do more than usually expected for buyers. Unfortunately you ran into the wrong seller. That’s too bad. But you are wrong to assume every seller on Bonanza is a bad seller. Very, very wrong. So sad for you…

answered about 3 years ago

1 Comment

KarensCollections May 01, 2021

I think their main point is lack of support from the Bonanza staff. Most other sites can help the seller/buyer with problems.

Sorry you had a bad experience, but you can’t tar us all with the same brush.

Are you trying to say no buyer has ever been screwed on ebay, Amazon, or any other large site? Think again!

answered about 3 years ago

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