I made a sale now what

I made a sale but,Ill pay for the shiping , and recive a payment complete,but , how I will pay to the supplier ,I dont know whoos my supplier is,in dropshiping site, when custumer buy by reg price price, then when payment is on my account, I ll go in the site and buy the pruduct at retail price to de supplier, and I got my profit, but I dont know how bonanza works I contac with bonanza, and they said thas betwin me and supplier.

asked almost 4 years ago

Reputation: 10
See lopez59's booth
4 Answers

This isn’t Bonanza’s problem. It’s up to you as the seller to figure out how to send the customer the item that they paid for in a timely manner. If that means you have to go buy it at retail price, then that’s what you have to do! I’ve done that in the past when somehow an item that had previously sold got reposted and another person bought it (whether my mistake or Bonanza’s, I still wanted to make it right with the customer). You may lose money on this transaction, but you’ll learn in the process.

I recommend now putting your booth on vacation mode until you figure out your supply chain and are ready to deliver items to your customers.

answered almost 4 years ago


you are the seller of your item and it’s your job to ensure that the merchandise gets delivered to your customer in the same condition as described and in a timely manner.
From your post, it sounds like you are not ready to do business on this site. You should firstly learn how to properly fulfill orders, prior to accepting payments.

answered almost 4 years ago

If you are using dropshippers as your selling source and you don’t know which one has the item you sold. What you need to do is write down the name of the dropshipper and give each one a different code like part of their name or something and then when you write your listing put that code at the bottom of the description, then you will know who to buy it from.

answered almost 4 years ago

This is one of the craziest posts I’ve ever read. It’s like an uninformed skydiver asking… “Okay I just jumped out of the airplane, now what?”

answered almost 4 years ago

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